
AppOnboard Studio offers a no-code platform to enable fast and fluid development of (game) playable ads and instant apps

A brief overview of AppOnboard

AppOnboard Studio is an easy-to-use tool that enables non-technical users to create playable ads. With its drag and drop interface, anyone can build a playable ad in less than 15 minutes. Based on the latest mobile game technology, AppOnboard Studio helps brands deliver rich interactive and immersive experiences to their customers. AppOnboard Studio is considered to be the world’s most lightweight mobile applications engine, where the app ideas come to life. It is a leading design software where one can create instant applications. You can save, preview and share your creations on social media or with friends directly.

Reasons to consider AppOnboard in your no-code stack

  • You can easily export your application to social media to publicise your brand.
  • You can create playable ads for top ad networks. For example, Google, Facebook, Unity, Applovin, Ironsource, Vungle and many more.
  • You can just drag and drop your creative assets to build playable ads at scale.

What can you accomplish with AppOnboard?

  • If you are a game developer, with the help of AppOnBoard Studio, you can build games without using coding. You can create games like cooking craze, cookie jam blasts, solitaire, Zombie labs, etc.
  • If you are a teacher, you can create an informational game for your students. For example, you can build an aquarium where the kids can solve puzzles and learn the names of water animals.
  • You can also create apps for self-awareness like meditation, journaling, self-awareness and so on.

Top features of AppOnboard

  • Multiple Media assets and scenes with more interactive content
  • Supports multiple fonts and transitions
  • Easy download and share content options

Pricing plans

  • On request only

Learning resources

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