
A no-code platform that lets you automate workflows and build apps for Slack, with a database to organize, manage, and analyze data

A brief overview of Actioner

No more switching between Slack and other tools. Actioner integrates your CRM, ticketing system, incident management system, or CI CD tool with Slack seamlessly. You can design workflows using Actioner visual designer, automate them, and build Slack apps and bots on your own. Actioner app directory is full of apps ready to use in Slack. Each app has built-in integrations and workflows based on best practices. The most popular ones are; Zendesk, HubSpot, PagerDuty, GitHub Actions workflows, and Bitbucket pipelines apps for Slack.

Reasons to consider Actioner in your no-code stack

If you’re seeking to get the most out Slack, and end constant tool switching: Actioner is for you.

  • Contextual Slack notifications: Updates, alerts from your tools (whether they are external or built-in Actioner.) These are simply Slack messages sent by Actioner with the details of the update/alert.
  • Smart follow-up buttons: When there is a new HubSpot deal, or you are assigned to a Jira issue, you always need to take follow-up actions. It might be setting a meeting, updating issue status, or escalating a ticket. You can find these quick actions right under the relevant notifications.
  • Running workflows right in Slack: You can run your daily tasks just by calling Actioner bot in Slack. List your high scored HubSpot leads, find un-assign Jira issues, run Bitbucket pipeline. You don’t need to leave Slack to do any of it.

What can you accomplish with Actioner?

  • With Actioner you can build apps of any kind using Slack as the user interface.
  • You can build your own Database management systems (DBMS). Actioner tables allows you to store, and manage your data while Workflow designer allows you to create workflows with triggers, actions, and conditions. So that you can access, enrich, and keep track of your data in Slack.
  • You can build your own ticket management system, CRM, and lots more.You can build your own Slack app for your favorite tool. Let’s say you are using Jira and Slack. Among the built-in integrations choose Jira, or build your own integration. After that, create workflows based on your preferences using visual designer. You can select when, and in which channel to get notified of which Jira event (new issue creation, comment, etc.) along with the context of the event (issue summary, due date, priority, etc.)

Top features of Actioner

  • High level of compatibility with Slack: Actioner works with Slack seamlessly. Actioner team consists of well-experienced Slack users from different backgrounds. Existing workflows are also a reflection of the team’s knowledge and best practices.
  • Integration with any tool with open API: In addition to Actioner's existing integrations, you can build integration on your own, and connect your entire tool stack.
  • Human-in-the-loop automations: You can build complex and customizable workflows that involve human judgment, decision-making, and intervention.
  • Internal tool development: You can create apps specifically for how you do business using Actioner’s workflow builder, database, and reminder schedulers. You don’t need any other tool.
  • Actioner App directory: From incident management to birthday celebrations, you'll find a wide range of apps there. Once you install and connect your tools, you can use these apps in Slack in no time.

Pricing plans

  • Free: Ready-to-use apps, SSO, Actioner Jobs, Actioner tables
  • Standard: $9 per month, Premium apps, Custom Slack bot branding
  • Enterprise: Dedicated CSM, Custom SLA, App development service, Terms of service and Training

Learning resources

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