
Curated helps you send email people look forward to receiving

A brief overview of Curated

Curated is a no-code email newsletter app for designing newsletters out of curated content. Curated is known to put content first. It allows text and links to ensure everything else. Curated works by collecting relevant links and converting them into newsletters. It is also possible to save links. Links are known as collected items.

Curated allows users to grow the target audience by collecting as well as sharing highly engaging content. With the help of Curated bookmarklet, it is possible to easily and quickly save any article that you would find interesting online. You can also select the best-available links out there to put together in the newsletter. As you publish the content, Curated comes up with a beautiful website with business archives that can be customized easily.

Reasons to consider Curated in your no-code stack

  • Ease of Promoting Brands: You can design your newsletter to function the way you want it. Curated comes forth with an effective and creative way to promote your brand along with curated content. As your publication will grow rapidly, you might be approached by some sponsor for publication.
  • Inclusion of Commentary: You can select the best links and import them directly to the next scheduled issue. You can also think of adding voice with summaries, introduction, and personal insights.
  • Collection of Links: You can use Chrome extension, an email address, or Curated Bookmarklet for saving articles that you assume the readers will prefer. You can also include outside links, original content, or even both.

What can you accomplish with Curated?

  • Sponsorship: As you continue growing your publication with Curated, you can think of including sponsorship. You can launch a dedicated sponsorship page with exact details of what you would like to offer.
  • Improved Newsletters: Curated comes with a unique system for creating and publishing newsletters. When you use the creation system of Curated, it helps in improving the overall quality of newsletters.
  • Support for Newsletter Goals: whether it is about paid subscriptions or reader engagement, sponsorships, and other reasons, Curated is able to offer relevant support for Curated newsletters.

Top features of Curated

  • Quick capture
  • Effortless editing
  • Beautiful publications
  • Sponsorship and paid subscriptions

Pricing plans

  • 0 - 1,500 subscribers: Free
  • 1,501 - 2,500 subscribers: $39 per month
  • 1,501 - 2,500 subscribers: $69 per month
  • 2,501 - 5,000 subscribers: $129 per month
  • 5,001 - 10,000 subscribers: $189 per month
  • 15,001 - 25,000 subscribers: $299 per month
  • 25,001 - 50,000 subscribers: $399 per month
  • More than 50,000 subscribers: custom

Learning resources

A few tweets about Curated from real users

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