August 27, 2024
18min read
Startup Ideas

Transitioning from Content Writer to Content Entrepreneur: A Roadmap for Success

Ready to level up from being a content writer to a content entrepreneur? Discover a roadmap for success with a 90-day action plan, profitable content business ideas, and proven strategies.

Table of contents

“Content is King” —Bill Gates

In today's digital age, the demand for high-quality content is skyrocketing. As a content writer, you possess valuable skills and expertise that can be leveraged beyond just writing. Transitioning from being solely a content writer to becoming a content entrepreneur offers numerous advantages and opens up a world of new opportunities.

Transitioning from content writer to content entrepreneur offers an exciting opportunity to take control of your career and create a sustainable business model that aligns with your skills and goals. By embracing content entrepreneurship, you can move beyond traditional freelancing or client work and build your own brand. This allows you to establish multiple income streams and unlock the potential for long-term success in the digital realm.

Now, let's delve into the definition of content entrepreneurship and explore the numerous benefits it offers to aspiring entrepreneurs in the content industry.

What is Content Entrepreneurship?

Content entrepreneurship can be defined as the process of leveraging your content creation skills to create and monetize your own digital products, services, and platforms. It involves transforming yourself from a service provider to a business owner.

What are some of the benefits of content entrepreneurship?

  • Creative Freedom: As a content entrepreneur, you have the freedom to explore your creative ideas and pursue projects that align with your passions and interests.
  • Increased Income Potential: By diversifying your income streams and monetizing your content in various ways, you can significantly increase your earning potential compared to traditional content writing.
  • Building an Asset: As you develop your own brand and create valuable digital assets, such as e-books, online courses, or membership sites, you are building a business that can generate passive income and have long-term value.
  • Independence and Autonomy: Content entrepreneurship allows you to be your own boss, set your own schedule, and choose the clients and projects you want to work on.
  • Scalability: Unlike traditional content writing, where your income is often tied to the number of hours you work, content entrepreneurship offers scalability. You can reach a larger audience, serve more customers, and increase your revenue without being limited by time constraints.

Transitioning from content writer to content entrepreneur is a challenging but rewarding journey. In the following sections, we will outline a roadmap for success, providing you with strategies, examples, and valuable insights to guide you along the way.

Understanding the Transition

Recognizing the need for a shift in mindset and approach

Transitioning from content writer to content entrepreneur requires a shift in mindset. While writing skills are crucial, it's essential to recognize that entrepreneurship encompasses more than just crafting compelling content. As a content entrepreneur, you need to think strategically, embrace innovation, and adopt a business-oriented mindset.

To make this transition successfully, it's important to understand that you are not just selling your writing services but building a brand and creating value through your content. This shift in mindset will enable you to see opportunities for monetization, identify gaps in the market, and think beyond traditional writing assignments.

Embracing entrepreneurial skills alongside writing skills

As you embark on your journey to becoming a content entrepreneur, it's vital to develop and refine your entrepreneurship skills in addition to your writing skills. Here are some key skills and areas to focus on:

  • Business and Marketing Knowledge: Familiarize yourself with the fundamentals of business, including marketing strategies, sales techniques, financial management, and customer acquisition. This knowledge will help you understand how to position and promote your content offerings effectively. According to a report by Technavio, the global content marketing industry is projected to reach $584.02 billion by 2027, growing at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of over 16% during the forecast period. This indicates a significant demand for content creation and related services, presenting a favorable environment for content entrepreneurs to thrive.
  • Networking and Relationship Building: Cultivate a strong professional network by attending industry events, joining relevant online communities, and engaging with fellow content entrepreneurs. Building relationships can lead to collaborations, partnerships, and valuable opportunities.
  • Project Management and Time Management: As a content entrepreneur, you will need to handle multiple projects simultaneously and manage your time effectively. Develop skills in project planning, organization, and prioritization to ensure efficient workflow and timely delivery.
  • Negotiation and Contracting: Enhance your negotiation skills to secure favorable contracts, pricing agreements, and partnerships. Understand the value you bring to the table and be confident in advocating for fair compensation for your content and expertise.

By combining your writing skills with these entrepreneurship skills, you will be well-equipped to navigate the challenges and seize the opportunities that come with content entrepreneurship.

How to learn the basics of great writing

Improving your writing skills is essential for content entrepreneurs. While you may already have a solid foundation as a content writer, continuous growth and development are crucial. Paraphrasing text is an excellent way to practice writing by rewriting existing content in your own words, helping you enhance your skills and find your unique voice. Here are some tips to enhance your writing abilities:

  • Read Widely: Expand your reading habits to include a variety of genres, styles, and formats. This exposure will expose you to different writing techniques and help you develop a diverse writing voice.
  • Practice Regularly: Dedicate time each day to practice writing. Set specific goals, such as writing a certain number of words or completing a writing exercise, to hone your skills and build discipline. Learn to paraphrase text by practicing rewriting daily.
  • Seek Feedback: Share your writing with trusted peers, mentors, or writing communities to receive constructive feedback. Critique and suggestions from others can help you identify areas for improvement and refine your writing style.
  • Study Grammar and Style Guides: Brush up on grammar rules and familiarize yourself with style guides such as AP Stylebook or The Chicago Manual of Style. These resources provide guidelines for consistency and clarity in your writing.

If you ever need additional assistance in writing articles, essays, or dissertations, you may consider Edubirdie. They offer professional writing services and have expertise in crafting high-quality content. You can explore their services, including college papers for sale. Remember to balance external support with personal growth and development as a writer.

By continuously honing your writing skills and embracing entrepreneurship, you will position yourself for success as you transition from content writer to content entrepreneur.

90-Day Action Plan for Transitioning from Content Writer to Content Entrepreneur

Having a structured plan is essential for a successful transition from content writer to content entrepreneur. It provides clarity, direction, and measurable goals to keep you on track throughout the process. This 90-day action plan outlines key steps and activities to help you navigate the transition effectively.

Day 1-7: Assess your skills and define your niche

  • Evaluate Your Content Writing Skills: Take stock of your existing writing skills and assess your strengths and weaknesses. Consider seeking feedback from peers or mentors to gain an objective perspective.
  • Identify Your Areas of Expertise: Determine the specific topics or industries in which you excel as a content writer. Focusing on your expertise will help you stand out in a crowded market.
  • Determine Your Target Audience and Niche: Research your target audience and identify a niche market that aligns with your expertise. This will enable you to tailor your content and services to meet the specific needs of your audience.

By the end of the first week, you should have a clear understanding of your skills, expertise, target audience, and niche market.

Day 8-21: Start building your personal brand

  • Create a Compelling Brand Identity: Define your unique value proposition as a content entrepreneur. What sets you apart from others? Craft a clear and compelling brand story that resonates with your target audience.
  • Develop a Professional Website or Portfolio: Establish an online presence by creating a professional website or portfolio. Showcase your best work, highlight client testimonials, and provide clear contact information for potential clients.
  • Utilize Visual Branding: Create a visually appealing logo, color palette, and consistent design elements that represent your brand. This will help you create a cohesive and recognizable brand identity.

At the end of this phase, you should have a well-defined brand identity and a professional online presence.

Day 22-35: Expand your network

  • Attend Industry Events and Conferences: Look for relevant industry events and conferences, both online and offline, to connect with fellow content entrepreneurs, potential clients, and industry experts. Networking opportunities can lead to collaborations and valuable connections.
  • Join Online Communities: Engage in online communities such as forums, social media groups, or professional networking platforms where content entrepreneurs and potential clients gather. Actively participate in discussions, provide valuable insights, and build relationships.
  • Collaborate with Complementary Professionals: Identify professionals in complementary fields, such as web designers, SEO experts, or social media managers, and explore collaboration opportunities. This can expand your reach and open doors to new projects and clients.

According to a study by LinkedIn, 80% of professionals believe that networking is crucial for career success. Building a strong professional network can lead to new business opportunities, industry insights, and collaborations that can accelerate the growth of your content entrepreneurship venture.

By the end of this phase, you should have established meaningful connections with fellow content entrepreneurs and potential clients.

Day 36-49: Define your service offerings

  • Determine Your Content Service Offerings: Decide on the specific content services you will provide as a content entrepreneur. This could include writing, editing, content strategy, content marketing, or a combination thereof. Focus on your strengths and align your offerings with your target audience's needs.
  • Develop Clear and Competitive Pricing Structures: Research industry standards and competitors' pricing to set competitive rates for your services. Consider factors such as your level of expertise, the complexity of the project, and the value you provide to the client.
  • Create Service Packages: Package your services into clear, attractive offerings that cater to different client needs and budgets. This will make it easier for potential clients to understand and choose the services that best suit their requirements.

At the end of this phase, you should have defined your service offerings and developed competitive pricing structures.

Day 50-63: Create a marketing strategy

  • Identify Effective Marketing Channels: Research the most effective marketing channels to reach your target audience. This could include social media platforms, blogging, guest posting, email marketing, or paid advertising. Focus on channels that align with your target audience's preferences. If your main channel is social media, look at different social media report examples that can help you create your own and optimize your strategy for better engagement and results. Nowadays there is a possibility to send personalized campaign messages without even having to save the contact - for example: send them using channels like WhatsApp.
  • Develop a Content Marketing Plan: Create a content marketing strategy to showcase your expertise, provide value to your audience, and attract potential clients. Plan out topics, formats, and distribution channels for your content. According to the Content Marketing Institute's 2021 report, 91% of B2B marketers use content marketing to reach their target audience. It's worth noting that 9 in 10 marketers use their website as a key channel for content distribution, highlighting the importance of having a strong online presence to effectively connect with your audience.
  • Optimize SEO and Keywords: Conduct keyword research relevant to your target audience and industry. To enhance this process, consider utilizing tools that scrape Google for valuable insights and trends, providing a comprehensive understanding of search dynamics. Optimize your website, blog posts, and other content with relevant keywords to improve your search engine rankings and visibility.

By the end of this phase, you should have a well-defined marketing strategy and a content marketing plan in place.

Day 64-77: Acquire clients and projects

  • Leverage Your Network: Reach out to your network of connections, including industry peers, past clients, and professional acquaintances, to let them know about your transition to content entrepreneurship. Ask for referrals or recommendations.
  • Utilize Online Platforms: Utilize freelance platforms, content marketplaces, and job boards to find content projects and clients. Craft a compelling profile and portfolio that highlights your expertise and showcases your past work. A study by Upwork revealed that 59 million Americans freelanced in 2020, accounting for 36% of the total workforce. This highlights the increasing popularity of freelancing and the opportunity for content writers to transition into content entrepreneurship.
  • Build a Strong Portfolio: Seek out content projects, even if they are pro bono or at a reduced rate, to build a strong portfolio of successful work. This will demonstrate your capabilities to potential clients and provide social proof of your skills.

At the end of this phase, you should have acquired your first clients or projects as a content entrepreneur.

Day 78-90: Streamline ops and finances

  • Implement Efficient Processes: Establish efficient processes for client communication, project management, and content delivery. Use project management tools, communication platforms, and content creation software to streamline your operations.
  • Seek Professional Financial Advice: Consult with an accountant or financial advisor to set up proper financial management practices. This includes budgeting, invoicing, tracking expenses, and understanding tax obligations as a content entrepreneur. According to Forbes, a study performed by US Bank, 82% of small businesses fail due to poor cash flow management. Using free accounting software can be a smart choice if you lack resources for hiring professionals. Proper financial management practices are crucial for the success of a content entrepreneurship venture, as they help maintain healthy cash flow, meet financial obligations, and ensure sustainable growth.
  • Evaluate and Refine: Continuously evaluate your progress, learn from your experiences, and make adjustments to your strategies and processes as needed. Seek feedback from clients and implement improvements based on their suggestions.

By the end of this phase, you should have established efficient operational processes and have a solid financial management system in place.

Throughout the 90-day action plan, it's important to stay motivated, seek continuous learning, and adapt to market trends. Remember to celebrate milestones and seek support from fellow content entrepreneurs or mentors when needed.

Follow-worthy Content Entrepreneur Examples

1. Justin Welsh

Content Entrepreneur - Justin Welsh

Overview: Justin Welsh is an independent content entrepreneur known for his expertise in personal branding and LinkedIn marketing. He has built a successful consulting business and provides valuable insights and resources through his website.

Key Strategies:

  • Leveraging the power of personal branding on LinkedIn to build a professional network and attract clients.
  • Consistently creating and sharing high-quality content that provides value and establishes authority in the industry.
  • Engaging with the LinkedIn community through meaningful interactions and networking.
  • Utilizing email marketing to nurture relationships with subscribers and generate leads.


2. Steph Smith

Content Entrepreneur - Steph Smith

Overview: Steph Smith is a solopreneur and content entrepreneur known for her expertise in remote work, productivity, and building online businesses. She shares her knowledge and experiences through her blog and newsletter, providing valuable insights and resources.

Key Strategies:

  • Building a personal brand through consistent content creation and sharing insights on remote work and entrepreneurship.
  • Growing an engaged audience through an active presence on Twitter and other social media platforms.
  • Offering valuable resources and guides through her website to provide practical tips and guidance for aspiring entrepreneurs.
  • Collaborating with other industry professionals through interviews, guest posts, and partnerships to expand reach and credibility.


3. Lenny Rachitsky

Content Entrepreneur - Lenny

Overview: Lenny Rachitsky is a content entrepreneur who runs a successful newsletter focused on product management, growth, and startups. He provides in-depth analysis, case studies, and insights to help professionals in the industry.

Key Strategies:

  • Consistently delivering high-quality, well-researched content through a newsletter format.
  • Engaging with subscribers by encouraging feedback, questions, and discussions to foster a sense of community.
  • Leveraging social media platforms, such as Twitter, to share snippets and promote newsletter content.
  • Collaborating with industry experts for guest contributions and cross-promotion, expanding the network and audience reach.


4. Jimmy Daly

Content Entrepreneur - Jimmy Daly

Overview: Jimmy Daly is the founder of Superpath, a platform focused on content strategy and career development for content professionals. He provides educational resources, courses, and community support for content entrepreneurs and marketers.

Key Strategies:

  • Creating and curating educational content that addresses the pain points and needs of content professionals.
  • Offering online courses and training programs to help individuals improve their content strategy and career growth.
  • Building a supportive community through forums, events, and networking opportunities for content professionals.
  • Leveraging partnerships and collaborations with industry experts to bring additional value and expertise to the platform.


5. Sarah, Justin, & Michelle

Content Entrepreneur - Sarah & Justin

Overview: The founders of Wake Up to Freedom are content entrepreneurs who provide resources and guidance for individuals seeking financial independence and freedom through online business ventures. They share their experiences and strategies for building successful online businesses.

Key Strategies:

  • Documenting and sharing their own journey to financial independence, providing transparency and relatability for aspiring entrepreneurs.
  • Offering practical tips, step-by-step guides, and resources for starting and scaling online businesses.
  • Building a community through social media platforms, engaging with followers, and creating a supportive network.
  • Providing mentorship and coaching services to individuals who want personalized guidance on their entrepreneurial journey.


Content Entrepreneurship Business Ideas

1. Ebooks & Audiobooks

Ebooks are digital editions of books that can be read on electronic devices, providing an opportunity to generate income from your expertise in a particular subject. These books can be divided into well-structured chapters and enriched with text, images, and even multimedia elements like audio or video. For instance, you could create an ebook on topics such as "Mastering Digital Marketing Strategies" or "Effective Time Management Techniques."

Audiobooks, on the other hand, are audio recordings of printed books that can be listened to on electronic devices. They offer a convenient way for readers to consume content while on the go.

  • Successful Examples: Thrive Through the Change, The Power of Mindful Leadership, Unleashing Creativity, The Art of Healthy Living, Discovering Inner Peace
  • Typical timeframe for creating an ebook: 2 - 8 weeks
  • Suitable price range for selling an ebook: $20 to $100+
  • Revenue potential: $500 - $15,000+ per month
  • Essential skills required to create an ebook: Writing, Design, Persuasive Communication
  • Tools to consider for creating an ebook: Microsoft Word, Adobe InDesign, Canva, Audacity

2. Paid Newsletters

Paid newsletters involve offering a subscription-based content delivery service, where subscribers pay a fee to receive regular updates on a specific topic. These newsletters are usually delivered via email and can include various content formats such as text, images, and multimedia elements.

To enhance the value of your newsletter, you can provide additional services like exclusive content, access to private communities, or personalized insights and advice. For instance, if you have experience as an entrepreneur, a newsletter sharing lessons from your journey could be well-received.

  • Successful Examples: Insights for Success, The Investor's Edge, Creative Sparks, Health & Wellness Digest, Tech Innovators Weekly
  • Typical timeframe for creating a newsletter: 2 hours - 2 days per newsletter
  • Suitable price range for selling a newsletter: $10 to $150+ per month
  • Revenue potential: $1,000 - $10,000+ per month
  • Essential skills required to create a newsletter: Writing, Research, Compelling Storytelling
  • Tools to consider for creating a newsletter: Mailchimp, Substack, Google Docs

3. Private Groups, Paid Communities, Membership Sites

Private groups, paid communities, and membership sites are online platforms that offer exclusive access to content, resources, and communities in exchange for a membership fee. These can be created using platforms like Facebook groups, Slack channels, Discord servers, or standalone websites.

These membership-based platforms provide an excellent opportunity to monetize your content while building a community around your brand. For example, if you specialize in technology, a membership site offering coding resources and tutorials could be a successful information product.

  • Successful Examples: Digital Nomad Society, Wellbeing Warriors, The Financial Empowerment Hub, Fitness Fusion, Artisan Crafts Collective
  • Typical timeframe for creating a membership site: 1 - 4 hours
  • Suitable price range for selling a membership site: $10 to $100+ per month
  • Revenue potential: $1,000 - $25,000+ per month
  • Essential skills required to create a membership site: Content Creation, Marketing, Community Management
  • Tools to consider for creating a membership site: Mighty Networks, Facebook Groups, Discord

4. Resources & Curations

Resources and curations are valuable information products that provide practical tools and templates to help individuals achieve specific goals or tasks. These can include checklists, cheat sheets, templates, scripts, playbooks, and workbooks.

Entrepreneurs can create these resources by leveraging their expertise and organizing the information in a concise and actionable format. These products can save time and provide valuable guidance to customers, making them highly sought after.

  • Successful Examples: Traction Tools, Ultimate Sales Machine Cheat Sheet, Copywriting Templates, Sales Playbooks, Financial Planning Workbook
  • Typical timeframe for creating resources and curations: 1 - 2 weeks per resource
  • Suitable price range for selling resources and curations: $10 to $100+
  • Revenue potential: $500 - $5,000+ per month
  • Essential skills required to create resources and curations: Content organization, Design, Problem-solving
  • Tools to consider for creating resources and curations: Canva, Google Docs, Microsoft Office Suite

5. Online Courses, Workshops, Programs & Challenges

Online courses, workshops, programs, and challenges are comprehensive educational offerings designed to help individuals learn and develop new skills. These information products provide structured learning experiences through video lessons, interactive activities, and assessments.

Entrepreneurs can create online courses, workshops, programs, and challenges based on their expertise and target specific audiences. These products often offer in-depth knowledge and guidance, allowing learners to achieve their desired outcomes.

  • Successful Examples: Coursera, Udemy, MasterClass, CreativeLive, HubSpot Academy
  • Typical timeframe for creating an online course, workshop, program, or challenge: 1 - 3 months
  • Suitable price range for selling online courses, workshops, programs, or challenges: $50 to $500+
  • Revenue potential: $1,000 - $10,000+ per month
  • Essential skills required to create online courses, workshops, programs, or challenges: Subject matter expertise, Instructional design, Video production
  • Tools to consider for creating online courses, workshops, programs, or challenges: Teachable, Thinkific, Kajabi

6. Webinars & Virtual Summits

Webinars and virtual summits are live or pre-recorded online events where entrepreneurs can share their knowledge and insights with a targeted audience. These events offer an interactive learning experience, allowing participants to engage through presentations, Q&A sessions, and networking opportunities.

Entrepreneurs can host webinars and virtual summits to showcase their expertise, build brand awareness, and generate revenue through ticket sales or sponsorships.

  • Successful Examples: Tony Robbins' Unleash the Power Within, Social Media Marketing World, HubSpot's INBOUND, TED Talks
  • Typical timeframe for creating webinars and virtual summits: 2 - 4 weeks for planning and preparation
  • Suitable price range for selling webinars and virtual summits: Free to $500+
  • Revenue potential: $1,000 - $100,000+ per event
  • Essential skills required to create webinars and virtual summits: Event planning, Presentation skills, Marketing
  • Tools to consider for creating webinars and virtual summits: Zoom, WebinarJam, Hopin

7. Micro Consulting

Micro consulting involves providing expert advice and guidance to individuals or businesses on a specific topic or problem. Entrepreneurs can offer their consulting services on a smaller scale, providing focused and targeted assistance to clients.

Micro consulting can be delivered through one-on-one sessions, email consultations, or short-term engagements. This information product allows entrepreneurs to leverage their expertise and provide personalized solutions to clients.

  • Successful Examples:, JustAnswer, Maven,
  • Typical timeframe for providing micro consulting services: Varies based on engagement duration
  • Suitable price range for micro consulting services: $50 to $500+ per session or project
  • Revenue potential: $500 - $5,000+ per month
  • Essential skills required for micro consulting: Subject matter expertise, Communication, Problem-solving
  • Tools to consider for micro consulting: Calendly, Zoom, Google Docs

Wrapping Up

Transitioning from a content writer to a content entrepreneur offers a world of possibilities. By leveraging your skills and expertise, you can build a successful business through content marketing. Take inspiration from successful content entrepreneurs like Peep Laja, Neil Patel, Dan Norris, Emily Weiss, and Joy Cho, who have turned their passion for content into thriving ventures.

While the journey may seem challenging, with dedication and a willingness to learn, you can unlock your potential as a content entrepreneur. Embrace the opportunities, surround yourself with a supportive community, and stay adaptable to navigate the ever-evolving landscape of content entrepreneurship. The future holds immense potential for those willing to take the leap and pursue a career in this exciting field. So, believe in yourself, take the plunge, and embark on your content entrepreneurship journey.

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